Saturday, July 10, 2010

And it all crumbles down to pieces... - Originally posted 26 September 2005

The entertainment schedule for the RenFaire changed and it is impossible for me now to pull double duty. Unfortunately, since I'm the only one in charge of SCA dancing that is around, I will have to drop out of the Black Rose Caravan performance for the RenFaire.

It sucks royally. Not only did I put a lot of time and effort into practices, making a costume for this before starting on the Renaissance garb, but that is really where my passion lies... and all I will be able will be to watch from afar for the second performance.

It was just so heart wrenching this morning to come to the conclusion that I can't do it! The problem is that I have very few volunteers for SCA dancing and the few ones that I have have other gigs at the faire where they are soloing... so they are not replaceable for their performance whereas I am replaceable for the troupe.

It sucks so much! I wish that I could just go home and bawl. But, instead, I am stuck in a Groundhog Day moment at work.

I knew that taking on the role of dance mistress in the barony would interfere with my other activities just like it did for the dance mistress before me but I didn't think that it would be that bad. It's the second time that I'm having conflicts with belly dancing... and all this for the VERY few people who are interested in dancing in this barony.

Comments I had received

From Haifa:
I am soooo sorry hunI've been feeling a bit blue about dancing issues.... or in my case, lack of dancing issues. Be happy for what you have and that you are so needed/wanted that you just cannot do it all. Even though it sucks that you cannot perform at the Renn Faire, you are still part of a troupe and will have other events to dance at. Likewise with being Dance Mistress... you are lucky. The local Barony doesn't have dancing.... period. Not like I am currently a member of the SCA but it would have given me a reason to make an event or two the weekends my hubby doesn't work. Yes, you are very lucky to have the middle eastern/belly dance community that you have there. Everything will turn out fine.... I don't know how. Its a mystery. ;)

From Cap'n Corrie:
<>So sorry sweetie....

From Elisabeth:
aww.. So sorry hun! If I was closer to you I'd try to help.

From me:
:o)You guys are so sweet! It warmed my heart!

From Jordana:
SCA vs the Black Rose Caravan - I know your pain sister! It happens all too often when you have more than one mask to wear....Hang tight~ things have a way of working themselves out :::BIG HUGS::::: J

From Akilah:
X It sucks and I know we're going to miss you. I am for sure, since I like to spot off you. *grin*

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