So I am back from vacation. The vacation was all right. There was like an odd vibe in Quebec, for some reason... hubby had a death in the family, which put a big damper on things. Plus, well, my mom had just been released from the hospital (read last blog and a few blogs back for details) and she was still shaky. But it was still fun to pack up on parental love... until my father inevitably tried to make me burst out in anger... he always does that. And, well, the temperature was very much fall-like and it brought a gray mood in me... the smell made me remember how sad I felt each year at that time of year because, well, it meant that winter was coming fast.
So, coming back to Indy brought mixed feelings in me. Almost every time that I leave Quebec, I feel blah, blue, call-it-what-you-want and I know that some of it comes from the fact that I feel like I am leaving people behind, people that could use my help (like my parents)... but the truth of the matter is that, even if I was in Quebec, there is not much more that I could do... and, heck, my life is here now... There were definitely cool things about coming back to Indy... like I had an attack of the blues while in Quebec and, while I felt sadness at leaving, I couldn't even contemplate not coming back to Indy... I thought about how much better my work here is... and how much I would miss my tribe sisters and dancing with them. I wouldn't have as many opportunities to dance at all in Quebec... and great women like that are hard to come by!
Before leaving for vacation, I kind of didn't want to go and I know that part of it was because I was dreading coming back... because there are tons of activities for the remainder of the month!
This weekend, there is Grand Pageant, which turned out to become Coronation. I am in charge of the dancing activities and there were issues... again... let's leave it at a bunch of problems in communication. I am in the process of aligning all my ducks in a row but, boy, some of those ducks just want to do as they please! lol That is a little stressful but, hey, as usual, I will get it done, everyone will have a great time and all will be well. It's just getting there that is a little painful right now.
There was a very sad news that Moolana's (Chy's) mom is ill (I will leave out the details, as they are not mine to share) and so she has to pull back from the RenFaire. We are all saddened by this but we fully understand the situation. So, last night, we had to figure out how to modify a few things... one of the pieces was amazingly simple to modify. It kind of caught us off guard. lol
And then we decided to tackle our opening piece for which we had not done anything yet. The original plan was to do the same choreography that we did for other opening pieces in the past, only to a different music but it seems like this does not satisfy us because we completely veered from that. Last night, we choreographed a little over a third of it. I was told numerous times that group choreographing (as in, everyone participates in the ideas for the choreography) is hard. It may be but, with these women, it is amazingly simple. We have a bunch of ideas for the remainder of the piece so it will be a matter of just putting them in place.
We will be doing a bunch of extra practices in the next few weeks. We're all starting to feel the pressure! (Me included) But it's kind of a fun feeling. ;o) It will just be easier once Grand Pageant/Coronation will be over.
There is the Tempest workshop that I will go to on the 24th. I will see the show on the 23rd and I am damn glad that I decided not to participate in the show. At first, I wanted to because I wanted to have another opportunity to dance but then I quickly realized how I really need to spend time practicing the RenFaire stuff and I wouldn't have been able to do that, had I participated in that show. So that weekend is pretty much full.
The following weekend is the RenFaire. Woohoo!
And then it's going to be quiet(er) again and I will be able to do other stuff like work on my yoga/dancing/manyotherthings room... and other hobbies... but I will definitely keep on dancin'! ;o)
Comments I had received
From Haifa:
Welcome back!!! My condolances to you and your husband on the passing of the member of his family. Thats never a fun issue to deal with. Glad to hear your mom is doing better. Its always a bit shakey when they first come home but I'm sure that as time goes, she'll get better. As for feeling better coming 'home'... I know how that feels.. although I only live about 80 miles from my birth place. Still, it is not my 'home' as I see it now. My home is where I feel the most comfortable, where those that I love ('MY' family and friends) are, and where my things are. I dread going back to Williamsport because..... its dead to me. I can't really explain it but although your currently swamped with so many upcoming things, Indy is now you and your husbands home. Good luck with your busy schedule... you'll get through it and have fun while doing it. and let me just say.... Tempest's workshops, Yay!!!! :D *squeeze*
From me:
You got it! Yup, Indy is our home now. It was fun immersing myself back in my culture for a few days and filling in on all those awesome relationships but it's fun to get back to the "normalicity" (it's probably not a word ;op) of my life here... although it's not really all that "normal." My father kills me every time, though, because he asks every time, "You're not coming back, right?" It's a stab through my heart. I am on the verge of sending him a letter (because I can't tell him on the phone... too emotional) how Indy is my home now and I'm happy here. For a while, in the beginning, my life felt on hold until the next time we would go back to Quebec. I couldn't live like that forever. Eventually, it switched to my life is on hold when I am in Quebec... there are tons of things for me to do all the time here and so, when I am in Quebec, I can't do them. There are so many aspects that I wouldn't change!
From me:
Oh and I am very excited about the Tempest workshops!
From Haifa:
Yeah, we would travel down to visit my mom and she kept trying to convince Ken to find a job in Williamsport (which of course, he didn't... nor did he look very hard for one.) But she wanted us there..... be we didn't want to move there. This little hick town is our home and we love it.... although, I guess that for parents, its tough to realize that even though you visit, that your not moving back. Your dad just loves you... thats all. Yay Tempest!! :D
From Moolana:
I am sorry to hear that your mother is dealing with health issues too it is never easy to know a loved one is hurting, but I am glad you feel Indy is home because it would not be the same without you.
From me:
Chelle, It actually helped a lot to know that my father is not the only obnoxious parent! lol I've been asked before why I decided to reside in the "armpit of America"... I don't feel that way at all about Indy. I think that it's an awesome city. Moolana, I'm blushing now, for sure! Big hugs to you, dear! And your mommy is in our thoughts.
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