Saturday, July 10, 2010

I love myself today! - Originally posted 17 August 2005

Whoahee! I know that I'm feeling good about myself when that song pops into my head!

Actually, when we were at the apartment, I used to start getting dressed, applying makeup, and then I would turn to my husband and go, "Honey! I've got something to say." And then, I would hit "play" on my computer and it would blaze,

I love myself today!
Not like yesterday!
I'm cool, I'm calm I'm gonna be okay! Uh huh
I love myself today!
Not like yesterday!
Take another look at me now!
'Cause it's your last look
Your last look forever!

And while the song was playing, I gave my husband my evil smile. He loves it when I do that!

Well, it had been a while since this song had popped into my head. On Monday, August 8, in our practice session, I looked at myself in the mirror and fell in love with myself again. I always hate to admit to that because it sounds vain... but I just loved watching my body move to the music and doing a very good job at it. So I didn't post anything about it because I waited to see whether it was going to be a one-time occurrence or a trend. Well, this past Monday, same thing happened. So it's a trend! ;o)

Practice is paying off... I was sword-impaired but I'm getting the hang of it now. It's not as smooth as I would like it to be but it's getting better. My big problem in practice sessions is that I look at my sword on my head when I'm looking at myself in the mirror and then I'm consious of it moving, which makes me look some more and try to compensate and then it moves some more and... vicious circle... I noticed that I do that because I was waaaaaaaay better at home than in the studio. And then I realized tha, when I practice at home, since I don't have a mirror yet, I focus my gaze on my drapes and it stabilizes my head.

Anyway, last Monday, the sword almost had the best of me. I may have looked like somewhat of a fool when I put the sword down and then immediately picked it up again. I decided that this stupid piece of metal was not going to get the best of me! And it didn't! My teacher was super sweet in reminding me from time to time (when she noticed that I was struggling) not to look at myself in the mirror too much and reminded us all to bend bend bend!

Yeah, I have a tendency to not bend enough. When I feel the sword moving, I tend to straighten up instead of bending more. While driving back from the practice, I realized that it's the same principle as in-line skating. I took a class of in-line skating last summer and the teacher said that the natural tendency of beginners it that, when they feel that they are losing control, they straighten out their legs when, in reality, you should bend more. So, same principle... lose control = bend more.

On another topic, I'm getting ready to go to Gencon! That's one of the good things of living in Indianapolis, that's for sure! I'm really excited about a bunch of stuff but mainly because I will be modeling dreads and looking spiffy goth while doing it! Oh the possibilities!

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