Saturday, July 10, 2010

Re-grounding myself - Originally posted 30 August 2005

Okay. It's been 13 days since my last post to this blog. What a crazy time between then and now.

There was Gencon, which was absolutely fun. We didn't do any workshops this year but it took us so long to just look at all the things in the exhibitor hall. What was way awesome was that I was modeling dreads for fellow Indy goth chicks Kat and Aynie from Dreadful Ewe Dezigns ( So, every morning, I would go to their booth and get my hair done. It was way fun.

Then, it was the week from hell at work... I knew that I had to work on this document and that we would all be confined and all. It was both harder and easier than I thought... some aspects were easier but some were harder. Let's leave it at that.

Friday, I was just so pooped! I had worked hard, I was so tired. Blah! Saturday, again, I was pooped. Weird, bad mood. I didn't want to do anything yet I had a ton of sewing to do with the dual role at the RenFair.

Then, Saturday, I learned that my belly dance teacher will not be attending Nightmare on Marakesh Street. Well, I was planning on doing my first solo there and I had an idea in my head of how it would go and my teacher cheering me on. But now I don't know... it's rather intimidating. And, time wise, it would actually be easier if I didn't have to do a solo at that time because it's one week after the RenFair and, with all the sewing that I have to do, I'm not sure that I would have the spiffy outfit that I would like for that particular solo.

But then I woke up Sunday and thought that I could fly without mommy... I should be able to. I'm 32, I've been dancing long enough, why the hell do I hold back because my teacher can't make it? Why do I want someone to hold my hand? And now today it's intimidating again, people don't know me but they know my teacher so it would be easier and I can't seem to really find info about the event... but I'm PMSing so my judgement might be biased. lol

I was supposed to take the day off on Thursday, in comp time, because of my numerous extra hours from last week. Well, because that project isn't exactly finished, it appears like I won't be able to... and I'm pissed and sad about it.

I feel like crying over simple nothings for the past few days. I'm kind of like the weather now... it's raining... It's clear that I'm tired. I'm a mess... I need to re-ground myself, that's for sure.

I haven't done yoga in ages... I'm looking at my calendar on which I put all my activities and there is no record of yoga in July... and none in August... Damn!

I haven't gone to the gym since August 10... okay, I didn't have time to. I also didn't have time to put in extra dance practices... or maybe I didn't take the time.

Anyway, I have to make special efforts to rest. But I also need to move. My legs hurt and I know that it must be from all that time glued to my desk and not moving... I have been so stressed over all this sewing for the RenFair projects (European and ME) that I guess that I neglected some parts. Oh and I'm also responsible of the dance portion of an SCA event and that event is scheduled at the same time as some other big events about 2 hours away from here so I'm not sure how that will go.

Okay. Tonight, I should do some yoga. First thing. No excuse like "ooh, I just ate so I can't do it right now." I should eat AFTER the yoga. No excuse like "I have to sew or else I won't make it." I can take the time to do something good for my body and soul... and I still have lots of time and will make it on time.

It's like 1pm and I'm not hungry... I'm making myself eat. I need some time off! :s

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