Saturday, July 10, 2010

Need to work on... - Originally posted 1 March 2006

As I am getting ready to jump again on the exercise bandwagon, there are few things that I need to do:

I need to sleep more.
- Meaning that I need to get to bed earlier. We recently bought a DVR so no more vegging on the couch past my bed time because I want to know what will happen on CSI or Law & Order. I can record 16 hours of TV so I have no excuse now!
- Also no more playing World of Warcraft until too late. Well, that one is hard to do because MMORPGs are time suckers! I will try to remember to bring my cell phone with me and put an alarm for when I should leave the game minus a few minutes to actually get from wherever I am to a safe place.
- I just have to be disciplined about that. Otherwise, exercising will be hard and I will be tired all the time and I won't want to exercise and I will have to start all over... AGAIN.

I need to do more yoga
- It centers and grounds me SO MUCH. I need to incorporate more of it in my week.
- Ideally, I would like to wake up and do a little bit of meditation before starting my day. Yes, that means that I will wake up a bit earlier, which, in turn, means that I need to go to bed a bit earlier.
- I need to actually do some yoga once in a while. You know, more than 5 minutes. Although I guess that even that 5 minutes regularly is better than nothing!
- I need to do some more reading on that topic. I have like 4 good books now to look into. And my subscription to Yoga Journal.
- I have decided to keep a yoga journal seperate from my dance journal. I think that the topics are too different. Well, it's more that it would be hard to see my progression in yoga throughout the dance things. And I see yoga as more of a spiritual and physical thing whereas the dancing is artistic and physical.

And let's not forget belly dancing!
- Even though I will be exercising at the gym, I can still practice belly dancing. I just need to do it.
- It doesn't require too much energy for me to belly dance so I can conceivably do both some gym and some belly dancing on the same day. Maybe not in the first few weeks because I know that the gym will make me very tired for a while.
- I need to work on another version of the wish list. It will help me focus a bit more.

Alrighty! That's a lot. It's more like lots of small things that will amount to a good improvement. But I can do it.

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