Saturday, July 10, 2010

OMG! - Originally posted 31 January 2006

Yesterday, as I was driving back from the practice, something was funky inside me. It was hard to describe. As I told my hubby afterwards, it was like after you have eaten the most delicious of dessert (whatever is your favorite... cheesecake in my case). But it was deeper than that. It was utter satisfaction and pride. It was an amazing feeling! Man, people could get addicted to that!

What prompted such a feeling was simple: an awesome practice. The choreography that we are working on right now is relatively hard. And it's my fault for the most part because I choreographed a large portion of it. I knew that my tribe sisters would be able to do it but they only needed to realize that they were able to (and practice, of course). Well, we did the choreography really well last night. Actually, it was almost performance quality. That was awesome!

And we also played a little with improv. I thought that it would be good to take a little break of always repeating the same choreography and loosen up a little, so we did an exercise where we were in a circle and I put a random song on and we took turns leading. It was fun, relaxing, we all did well, and no one said that she was sorry. Once we are done with the RB show, as we call it, we'll focus more on improv and, believe me, it has tons of potential.

So I'm a very satisfied girl now!

As if that was not enough, due to an increase in my practice time, my body is changing a lot... especially my arms. Sweet!

Okay, now I just need to finish the damn Snake choreography!!! ;o)

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