Saturday, July 10, 2010

Thumbs up! - Originally posted 28 November 2005

Woohoo! Yesterday afternoon, I took the plunge and decided to show Jeff (my dear hubby) what I had choreographed so far for Snake.

It was a plunge because, well, I value his opinion quite a bit and I feel very vulnerable in front of him. It's as if I never consider myself good enough of a dancer in front of him. And the problem lies solely on my side of things beause Jeff has been nothing but very supportive and all.

Well, the whole issue is that I have a tendency to have a hard time taking critics well when it comes to dancing. It is the shadow of my former teacher who was teaching more of a boot-camp type class. I learned a lot from her and my technique is very very good because of it but it kind of left a scar.

So, Jeff will tell me like it is (in a nice way; he has learned the secret language of talking to a woman) and, quite frankly, I'd rather know than look foolish. As Jaleela says, we rely on our husbands to tell us the truth, to tell us when we look foolish, and when our butts look big. There is now an infamous story of one of my tribe sisters who was told by her husband that her belt color was not perfect...

But the perfectionist in me would love to be able to do something perfectly right away. When my rational brain kicks in, I realize how foolish this is... everyone falls when they make their first steps. And even when you start getting the hang of putting one foot in front of the other, you stumble for a while. And even when you have 32 years of practice, you can still land flat on your behind!!!

How come I can never post small blogs? I always have to write a lot. Well, I'm a writer. That's my day job. ;op

Anyway, the whole point of this entry was to say that I received two thumbs up from Jeff for what I have so far for Snake. He loves it and he thinks that it fits well with the music.

I asked him for advice on what to do next and he had a splendid idea that, unfortunately, will have to be put on a different music because it would not work. And there was one move that I thought would look cool at some point in the choreography (I wasn't sure where) and Jeff kindly told me that it would not fit well as all the moves need to be smooth and fluid to fit with the music and this one move was not smooth and fluid. Thanks honey! I'd rather know! :o) And now, typing this, I just made a realization. What I learned before was to do the moves in a very "jerky" way (I have a word in French that describes it very well and the only translation that I found was jerky... which I kind of don't like... but one gets the idea of what I mean). It was boom, here's a move. Bam, here's another one. And ONE two three four and ONE two three four. Lots of accents everywhere. Well, I admire how Jaleela dances and it's definitely NOT like that. Her moves are smooth and fluid and graceful. For a while now, I have desired to be more smooth and fluid but keep on having those accented moves too; you know, one can never have too many ways of doing moves.

Well, interestingly enough, Snake, as the title indicates, is very snaky and sinuous in its music. So no jerky moves for me on that one. Everything needs to be smooth. It's funny (as in "interesting") how I didn't notice that I chose a music that's totally different than what I'm used to bellydance-wise. I guess that my subconsious mind decided to give me a challenge and make me learn something. ;op

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